Notes From My Road Less Traveled

Notes from my road less traveledHow are you doing? Have you been wondering the same of me?  What Teisha at Raymond Sthappened to that Realtor I used to know?  I’m writing from my road less traveled, from a life full of changes and new experiences and challenges.  I’ve been thinking about writing to you for sometime.Leaving my real estate career after so many years was scary.  And it stayed scary for a pretty long time.  Every morning I woke up wondering what I had done, what I was doing and what was I was going to do.  I have heard it said making a big change in your life is like “jumping off a cliff.”  For me it’s more like swimming in the ocean.  The waves are constant, the tide is too, storms come and pass.  If you roll with it, if you don’t panic, you ride along.  If you fight it, you sink.  These days I’m riding the waves.I’m doing what musicians do.  I’m playing music.  I’m writing songs.  I’m even playing a little bit of guitar.  I’m making records.I love what I’m doing very much.  Aren’t I lucky?  I am.  I’m lucky I own a home.Ten years ago this year I bought my first home.  It was the single most empowering choice I may have ever made.   I had just graduated from college.  Soon after I became a Realtor.  I believe in home ownership because of the way it has influenced my life.I’ve lived in my current home for seven years.  It was a mess when I bought it and has required loads of work.  Buy a fixer and see who your friends really are while testing the bonds of family!Everyone who helped me feels a sense of pride when they come here.  It’s our house in many ways.When I decided I had to be a musician or else it was some of the equity in my home that allowed me to dedicate myself to my dreams.  I can’t think of a more remarkable gift.   Or another kind of investment that you can have holidays in.  I take care of it and it takes care of me.Since officially taking my leave from being a Realtor I have had many occasions to talk with people about real estate.  I’ve offered council to friends who’ve called lending my perspective to their decision making process.  Bossing them around when necessary, all for the greater good of course!  I always feel great when I have a chance to talk shop.  Especially now, that I’m more secure in my decision to be a musician and more comfortable with my life.  Real estate is a part of me whether I’m selling it or not.A close friend recently asked very nicely if I would help with an investment.  Last weekend I even looked at a house with another close friend whose thinking of buying a second property.  It really is like riding a bike.  Helping her made me feel good.I think of myself as being insightful and fair as well as creative and clear with answers to real estate questions.  I know that my knowledge of the field is a valuable resource.  I want to share that resource again with you.  While I have no plans to start up my real estate career, I am excited to dabble.  I’m volunteering myself to you.So, if you have a question, I want you to know you can call me.  Or email me.  I’d love to hear from you.  I’ll do my best to help.  (or call her mom and she'll put you in touch with Dave, Tanner, Ronda, Julee, Mo, or Molly all Realtors inspired and mentored by Teisha). Teisha on ladder

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