Teisha's Place is a non-profit supported by generous donors like you.

EIN: 84-3284086

Make a donation using a credit card
If you choose a recurring donation, we thank you! 
You will be asked to set up a password so that you can manage your payments and your account. Please make sure to note the email you used to create the account as well as your password as we don’t have access to this information.

Teisha’s Place offers a home, rent-free, to one family at a time. The utilities are paid from donations. The patients at Teisha’s do not have housing allowances through their medical insurance plans. The gift of time to live at Teisha’s take a huge financial burden off of families and gives them a comfortable place to live. It is extraordinary to be able to provide that kind of support.


Donate Your Time.
If you would like to pitch in at our next cleaning party, or if you’re handy and can help with house maintenance projects, please email us at TeishaAndFriends@gmail.com and we will add you to our mailing list!

Amazon Wish List.
Coming soon! We will provide a link to our very own Teisha’s Place page on Amazon.com where you can place an order to contribute necessary household items to the house.

Mail us a check.
Teisha's Place
380 Rosemont Road
West Linn, OR 97068