The Week Feels Wide Open
Draft blogs from out of the past:
March 2, 2011
Clinic at 9:30 a.m. for a blood draw and, hopefully not, but possibly, labs. The week feels wide open. Post pneumonia is a state of grace. I was so very sick. Yuck. The dogs need a walk. The bills need to be paid. Thank you cards need to be written and purging goes on and on. Life is good, enough. Could be better, could be worse. So, it is what it is. I enjoyed spending time with Mom yesterday, looking at houses priced about 4 million dollars, watching a movie on the Afganistan war and learning about a poet whose words I enjoyed, playing the drums and working on a song, eating a stellar bowl of chocolate chip mint ice cream. Tonight is art club with Loops and maybe a pow wow with Krzmarzick.